February 2021 Newsletter

Dear Sangha,If I were to compile a list of “classic Buddhist movies,” I would put the 1993 movie Groundhog Day near the top of the list. Although the movie has absolutely nothing to do with monks or meditation, the film, perhaps unintentionally, conveys some truths we...

January 2020 Newsletter

Dear Sangha Members, Tomorrow morning we will come to the end of our New Year Practice Intensive. Over the past two weeks sangha members have joined morning and evening services, extended meditation sessions, and even temple cleaning practice. This evening Winding...

November 2019 Newsletter

Dear Sangha Members, Last week we said farewell the venerable silver maple in Winding Path Temple’s backyard. On a windy day early last spring a large limb broke off the tree and nearly missed crashing through the house as it landed. While assessing the damage, we...

September 2019 Newsletter

Dear Sangha Members,September is a time of year for transitions. The long days of summer are getting shorter, the temperatures are beginning to get a little cooler, and students are heading back to school. These seasonal and calendar changes often lead us to adjust...