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Our Programs and Services
We are currently offering a mix of in-person, hybrid, and virtual programs. Specific information about all events is listed on our Calendar Page. You are welcome to join us in person or online. Learn more about how to join here.
Weekly Monday Evening Service
MONDAY EVENINGS (except Monday holidays) 6:30pm – 7:30pm, BLENDED
Our sangha gathers (almost) every Monday evening to practice. The format and topic changes from week to week. Participating in Monday gatherings is an excellent way to build a habit of meditation practice, develop your knowledge about basic Buddhist teachings through a Tendai perspective, and get to know our sangha community. Newcomers and experienced practitioners are all welcome. Join us in person or online. If you plan to join online, sign up for our weekly mailing list at least 12 hours in advance to receive the Zoom link.
Monday Meditation: We will gather in the hondo (or on Zoom) for the gongyo daily chanting service followed by two periods of meditation. The meditation is followed by light stretching, sharing joys and concerns, and concluding chanting practices. (See our calendar for dates.)
Discussion and Meditation: We gather for a 30 minute meditation followed by a 30 minute talk and discussion. (See our Topics and Readings page for upcoming topics and dates.)
Getting Started with Meditation
BI-MONTHLY SUNDAY MORNINGS AS SCHEDULED (check the calendar) 9:00-10:30am, BLENDED
Getting Started is an opportunity to learn some meditation and mindfulness practices together step by step. The time is split up into short blocks of meditation time interspersed with sharing and discussion. The class gives you tools to bring together your body, speech, and mind in meditation practice. This service can also be a good introduction to meditation for families who wish to sit together or for grown people who have a hard time sitting still for longer blocks of time. (We invite you to contact us if you have any questions about whether this service would be right for you or your family.)
If you are local, we encourage you to attend this even in person when possible. You are also welcome to join us on Zoom. Sign up for our mailing list at least 12 hours in advance to receive the Zoom links for this event.
Seasonal Service and Potluck Brunch
Each month we offer a special Saturday morning chanting and meditation service that follows the flow of the seasons. The meeting starts an overview of the service we’ll be chanting. We then move into the hondo (meditation area) for a 20 minute chanting practice followed by 45 minutes of shikan meditation. After a dharma talk and concluding practices, there is a potluck brunch and time to meet other sangha members. This service is usually the second Saturday of the month, but sometimes happens on a different day to align with Buddhist holidays. Please check the calendar page before coming.
Newcomers and experienced practitioners are all welcome. Join us in person or online. If you plan to join online, sign up for our weekly mailing list at least 12 hours in advance to receive the Zoom link.
Service Topics
- January: Vows and Ethical Trainings
- February: Love in Action
- March: Spring O-Higan: Kshanti, the Perfection of Patience
- Early April: Hanamatsuri (Flower Service for Shakyamuni Buddha’s Birthday)
- Late April: Earth Day
- May: Interbeing
- June: Jizō Bodhisattva Service
- July: Virya, the Perfection of Energy
- August: Obon Service for Ancestors
- September: Fall O-Higan, Balance
- October: Heart of Autumn, Embracing Transitions
- November: Gratitude and Generosity
- December: Bodhi Day Service for Awakening
Monthly Practice Intensive
4TH SATURDAY OF THE MONTH (most months), 7:00-11:30am, BLENDED
This gathering is designed for people who have been practicing with our sangha for a while. It’s a great opportunity to experience a focused stretch of practice in one morning. The morning will be structured around 24-minute seated meditation periods interspersed with walking meditation, short breaks, and discussions of a text.
This service is usually the fourth Saturday of the month, but sometimes happens on a different day. Please check the calendar page before coming, and RSVP if you plan to attend.
Tendai Study Group
This group gathers twice a month to discuss Tendai Buddhist teachings and practices. We follow a format where we read a small section of text together with the group and then discuss what we just read. A text will be provided section by section for those who are signed up for this group. You may join this group at any point, even if you’ve missed previous weeks. Let Shingaku or Ryushin know if you would like to receive the Zoom links for this gathering.
Introduction to the Path
This workshop is a great opportunity to GET STARTED with a meditation practice, to learn a bit more about Tendai Buddhism, or to get connected with our Sangha. Ryushin and Shingaku will offer a general overview of the how and why behind our teachings and practices and will tailor this intro to the needs of the group. Bring your questions or just your curiosity.
You are welcome to join us in person or in Zoom. Sign up for our mailing list at least 12 hours in advance to receive the Zoom link.
Additional Services
Reverends Shingaku or Ryusin can support you with: practice guidance interviews, help with home altars, wedding and commitment ceremonies, house blessings, funerals and memorial services.